Research Article

Allosteric Modulation of Beta1 Integrin Function Induces Lung Tissue Repair

Figure 6

The effects of PPE-induced injury (0.6 U/mL) and JB1a treatment (1 ug/mL) in vitro using human lung coculture cultured on collagen-coated surfaces. The effects measured were on (a) neutral sphingomyelinase activity one on cultures subjected to mechanical stretch of 2–10% amplitude at 1 Hz ( ), (b) F-actin using 3D reconstruction of images of human lung coculture after injury using elastase demonstrating the formation of F-actin (blue) and caspase 3/7 activation (red). Ganglioside GM1 for the cell membrane-green and its inhibition by JB1a done on cells cultured on glass ( ), (c) ATP levels ( and each included separate measurements of cells cultured in 8 wells in 96-well plates). (d) Cellular electrical impedance ( ).