Research Article

In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity Screening of Ethanol Extract of Lavandula stoechas and Investigation of Its Biochemical Composition

Table 2

Pozitif controls (inhibition zones in mm).


B. subtilis DSMZ 19713630
C. albicans DSMZ 1386
E. aerogenes ATCC 130483023
E. durans2414
E. faecalis ATCC 292121913
E. faecium2828
E. coli ATCC 2592220
K. pneumoniae3022
L. innocula1813
L. monocytogenes ATCC 76442028
P. aeruginosa DSMZ 500712815
P. fluorescens P11912
S. enteritidis ATCC 130753624
S. infantis2424
S. Kentucky3413
S. typhimurium SL 13443523
S. aureus ATCC 259232224
S. epidermidis DSMZ 200443425

—: no activity observed.