Research Article

Performance of Novel Engineered Materials from Epoxy Resin with Modified Epoxidized Natural Rubber and Nanocellulose or Nanosilica

Table 1

Comparing the FTIR spectras of raw materials.

Functional groupsWavenumber (cm−1)
Epoxy resinNRENR 50NanocelluloseNanosilica

C–O deformation of the oxirane group915
Stretching of C–H of the oxirane ring3057
C=C–H838, 1660837, 1588
C–O stretching of oxyran ring873
C=O stretching1730
C–O stretching vibration of hemicellulose1246
C=C stretching of aromatic ring in lignin1506
C–O–C glycosidic linkages between glucose units in cellulose897
H–O–H stretching mode of the absorbed water34003340, 1645
Si–O–Si asymmetric bond (Si–O)1093
Si–O–Si asymmetric bond (Si–OH)788
Si–O–Si bond bending vibration (Si–O–Si, siloxane)466