Review Article

Progress of Catalytic Valorization of Bio-Glycerol with Urea into Glycerol Carbonate as a Monomer for Polymeric Materials

Table 3

Catalytic glycerolysis of urea to GC using tungsten-based catalyst.

EntryCatalystAcid amount (mmol/g)Base amount (mmol/g)Reaction conditionsYield of GC (%)Ref.

1SW210.472a140℃, 4 h49.4[99]
25 wt% WO3-SnO20.271a140℃, 4 h85.4b[100]
315% WO3/TiO20.554a140℃, 4 h73[101]
430% SiW12/MCM-413.4a150℃, 8 h77b[102]
5SiW-Hß3.5a150℃, 8 h75b[103]
6Sm0.66TPA1.726a140℃, 4 h85b[111]
7Sn-CsPW528a140℃, 4 h85b[112]
8Ta0.4TPA0.128a140℃, 4 h100b[113]

aNot reported. bGC selectivity.