Review Article

Comparative Triceps Surae Morphology in Primates: A Review

Figure 3

Representations of ankle joint during climbing by different primate species. The hindlimb foot most cranial has just touched down in the gait cycle. Dorsiflexion values at touchdown are reported next to the touchdown foot: (a) chimpanzee (image and dorsiflexion value (maximum) adapted from [189, 190]), (b) spider monkey (adapted from 168, dorsiflexion value from 45), and (c) slow loris (image adapted from 198, dorsiflexion value from Hanna, unpub. data). Note the highly dorsiflexed ankle position in these species (ankle angle < 90 degrees), (d) mongoose lemur (image and dorsiflexion value from Hanna, unpub. data), and (e) long-tailed macaque (image from Hanna, unpub. data, dorsiflexion value from 46). Note the less dorsiflexed position of the ankle in these species (ankle angle ≥ 90 degrees).