Research Article

Intraspecific Variation in Maximum Ingested Food Size and Body Mass in Varecia rubra and Propithecus coquereli

Figure 2

Bivariate plots of Vb for the three foods—carrot (a,b,c), melon (d,e,f), and sweet potato (g,h,i), in log cubic centimeters—regressed against the three body mass measurements—last recorded (ML, (a,d,g)), mean (MX, (b,e,h)), and maximum (MM, (c,f,i)), in log grams. Folivores, frugivores, and insectivores are represented by triangles, squares, and asterisks, respectively. Open triangles = Propithecus coquereli and open squares = Varecia rubra. Closed shapes represent species averages for the other strepsirrhine species. The interspecific least-squares regression line (solid line) is based on species average values with confidence intervals for the slope estimate (dotted curves) at alpha of 0.05. The dotted line represents the least-squares line of fit for Propithecus coquereli, and the dashed line is for Varecia rubra. Since none of these intraspecific (dotted and dashed) regression lines are significant, they are included for graphical purposes only. Likewise, because of low coefficients of determination (see Table 2 and Section 4), the confidence curves of the intraspecific least-squares regressions both contain isometry at alpha of 0.05, and these curves were omitted for the sake of graphical clarity. See Table 2 for linear equations.