Research Article

Bilateral Chondroepitrochlearis Muscle: Case Report, Phylogenetic Analysis, and Clinical Significance

Table 1

Summarized data of previous reported cases on chondroepitrochlearis muscle (CEM).

AuthorProximal attachmentsDistal attachmentsUntwist PM tendonAxillary arch muscleTuberocondylar tendonBlood supplyNerve supply

Perrin [16]7th rib, inferior fibers of PM, ext ob aponeurosisMe+++
Bryce [17]6th costal cartilageMIMS, Me+External anterior thoracic nerve
Tobler (1902)Inferior fibers of PMMe+Nerve to muscular arch
Saar (1903)Inferior fibers of PMMe
BÔSE (1904)Inferior fibers of PMMe+
Steinbach (1923)Abdominal fibers of PMMe
Yokoh (1933)Inferior fibers of PMMe+
Tischendorf (1949)Abdominal fibers of PMMeNerve to abdominal part of PM
Landry Jr. [15]Costal cartilagesMe++
Aziz [18]Inferior fibers of PMMe+++
Chiba et al. [3]Inferior fibers of PMMe+++CBAP
Ohtani et al. [12]Inferior fibers of PMMe+++CBAP
Voto and Weiner [13]Costocartilages of ribs 7–10Me+
Lin [10]Inferior fibers of PMMe++
Bergman [7]+
Spinner et al. [11]6th and 7th ribsMe++MPN, root of median nerve
Di Gennaro et al. (1998)Inferior fibers of PMMe+
Flaherty et al. [5]5th costal cartilageMe++MPN, root of median nerve
Nakajima et al. [9]Inferior fibers of PMMe+CBAP, intercostobrachial nerve
Sarikcioglu et al. [14]5th and 6th costochondral junctionsMe+LTAMPN
Loukas et al. [19]lateral fibers of PMMeTATMPN
Samuel and Vollala [20]Inferior fibers of PMMIMS, Me+LTAMPN
Barcia and Genovés [21]5th costochondral junctionMeLTAMPN
Natsis et al. [6]Costal cartilage at the lateral border of PMMe

PM: pectoralis major; ext ob: external oblique; Me: medial epicondyle; MIMS: medial intermuscular septum; LTA: lateral thoracic artery; TAT: thoracoacromial trunk; MPN: medial pectoral nerve; and CBAP: caudal branch of ansa pectoralis.
Note. Data in italics are extracted from Chiba et al. 1983 [3].