Research Article

Histological Consequences of Needle-Nerve Contact following Nerve Stimulation in a Pig Model

Figure 4

(a) Longitudinal microscopic view (×400, CD68 labeled [10]) of the median nerve after needle placement by means of nerve stimulation. N, nerve fascicle; M, brown, macrophages. Score value, 2.0. A minimal threshold current of 0.2 mA was applied for needle positioning. The needle contacted the nerve tissue. (b) Longitudinal microscopic view (×200, Kluver-Barrera [11, 12]) of the musculocutaneous nerve after needle placement by means of nerve stimulation. A minimal threshold current of 0.2 mA was applied for needle positioning. The needle contacted the nerve tissue. I, inflammatory cells; N, dark blue, myelinated vital nerve tissue. Score value, 2.0.