Clinical Study

Hip Fracture Mortality: Is It Affected by Anesthesia Techniques?

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population according to anesthesia type.

CharacteristicsGA ( )NB ( )CPNB ( ) value

Sex (M/F)40/7517/3323/690.284
Age 0.013*
Delay in surgery (Days) 0.056
Followup (months) 0.09
Barthel score 0.887
One-month mortality22 (19.1%)4 (8.0%)16 (17.4%)0.195
One-year mortality48 (41.7%)11 (22%)26 (28.3%)0.022**
Overall mortality80 (69.6%)18 (36%)31 (33.7%)0.001
Estimated survival (months) 0.002

* , NB group is significantly younger than the other groups.
** , one-year mortality rate of regional group (NB + CPNB) is significantly reduced compared to GA group.
, overall mortality rate of regional group (NB + CPNB) is significantly reduced compared to GA group.
, estimated mean survival time is significantly higher for regional group (NB + CPNB) than GA group.
GA: general anesthesia, NB: neuraxial block, and CPNB: combined peripheral nerve block.