Clinical Study

The Association of Postcardiac Surgery Acute Kidney Injury with Intraoperative Systolic Blood Pressure Hypotension

Table 4

Multivariable linear regression model showing association between % change in SBP and percent delta creatinine with interaction variable intraoperative balloon pump.

PredictorP value

% drop in systolic BP0.0261
Aprotinin given<0.0001
Age 0.0112
Congestive heart failure0.0132
Preoperative creatinine <0.0001
Total CPB pump time<0.0001
Weight (kg)<0.0001
Preoperative pulse pressure<0.0001
Preoperative HCT0.0009
IABP use0.0044
Interaction term SBP × IABP use0.2525