Research Article

Labor Epidural Analgesia to Cesarean Section Anesthetic Conversion Failure: A National Survey

Table 1

Factors which influence whether or not respondents top up an existing labor epidural for a cesarean section.

Influencing factorRespondents ()

How effective the epidural has been for labor pain701 (98.7)
Category of cesarean section519 (73.1)
Dermatomal level of blockade434 (61.1)
Current pain score with contractions355 (50.0)
Assessment of airway266 (37.5)
Maternal preference254 (35.8)
Body mass index180 (25.4)
Length of time epidural has been in situ106 (14.9)
Fasting status92 (13.0)
Other42 (5.9)
Labor neuraxial technique (CSE or epidural)37 (5.2)
Age2 (0.3)

Data are presented as number (%). CSE = combined spinal-epidural.