Research Article

Audit on Current Practice of Rapid Sequence Induction and Intubation of Anesthesia in the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018

Table 1

Standards of rapid sequence induction at risk of pulmonary aspiration at Gondar University Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018.


1Are all available monitoring prepared
2O2 supply, airway equipment, and a suction machine with suction catheter prepared and placed on the table beneath the patient’s head
3Drugs like thiopentone (3–5 mg/kg) or propofol (1–3 mg/kg) or ketamine 1-2 mg/kg for hemodynamically unstable patients, suxamethonium (1-2 mg/kg) and fentanyl (1-2 μg/kg prepared)
4The role of the team confirmed
5Anticipated difficult airway (LMA, cricothyroidotomy kit, and oxygenation plan) prepared
6Reliable intravenous cannula placed for free drug and fluid administration
7Preoxygenation/denitrogenation at a minimum of 3 minutes at an oxygen concentration of 100% done.
8Attempt to ventilate in using positive pressure ventilation via a face mask
9All team members are ready to proceed the activity they were assigned to
10Cricoid pressure applied
11Intubation performed after the intubation conditions are obtained after observing fasciculation
12Bougie or stylet as routine to maximize the chance of success was used
13The ETT cuff inflated and the correct position of ETT checked by the chest rise and fall, tube misting, normal feeling of air flow or capnography, and releasing of cricoid pressure

Na = not available.