Research Article

Job Satisfaction and Its Determinants among Nurse Anesthetists in Clinical Practice: The Botswana Experience

Table 2

Short form of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and level of job satisfaction among nurse anesthetists in Botswana, 2020.

MSQ itemsSatisfiedNeutralNot satisfied

Being able to keep busy all the time (activity)23 (34.8%)13 (19.7%)29 (43.9%)
The chance to work alone on the job (independence)33 (50.0%)10 (15.2%)23 (34.8%)
The chance to do different things from time to time (variety)§37 (56.1%)18 (27.3)11 (16.7%)
The chance to be “somebody” in the community (social status)29 (43.9%)19 (28.8%)17 (25.8%)
The way my boss handles his/her workers (supervision—human relation)26 (39.4%)25 (37.9%)15 (22.7%)
The competence of my supervisor in making decisions (supervision—technical)35 (53.0%)20 (30.3%)11 (16.7%)
Being able to do things that do not go against my conscience (moral value)35 (53.0%)9 (13.6%)19 (28.8%)
The way my job provides for steady employment (security)§49 (74.2%)12 (18.2%)5 (7.6%)
The chance to do things for other people (social service)52 (78.8%)11 (16.7%)3 (4.5%)
The chance to tell people what to do (authority)§40 (60.6%)20 (30.3%)6 (9.1%)
The chance to do something that makes use of my abilities (ability utilization)46 (69.7%)12 (18.2%)8 (12.1%)
The way company policies are put into practice (company policy and practices)§17 (25.8%)19 (28.8%)29 (43.9%)
My pay and the amount of work I do (compensation)2 (3.0%)10 (15.2%)53 (80.3%)
The chances for advancement on this job (advancement)6 (9.1%)7 (10.6%)52 (78.8%)
The freedom to use my own judgment (responsibility)§44 (66.7%)16 (24.2%)6 (9.1%)
The chance to try my own methods of doing the job (creativity)37 (56.1%)19 (28.8%)9 (13.6%)
The working conditions (working condition)9 (13.6%)9 (13.6%)48 (72.7%)
The way my co-workers get along with each other (co-workers)39 (59.1%)15 (22.7%)12 (18.2%)
The praise I get for doing a good job (recognition)§25 (37.9%)20 (30.3%)20 (30.3%)
The feeling of accomplishment I get from the job (achievement)40 (60.6%)16 (24.2%)10 (15.2%)

Intrinsic scale; §extrinsic scale.