Research Article

Health-Related Quality of Life in the Gender, Race, And Clinical Experience Trial

Table 2

Results from the univariate analysis to investigate factors associated with improvements in total FAHI score over 48 weeks.

CovariateP value

Baseline FAHI<.0001
Baseline CD4+ count.0052
Confirmed virologic response.0335
History of psychological illness.0570
Baseline log10 viral load.0862
Stage of HIV infection.1441
Presence of etravirine in the OBR.2062
Alcohol use.2700
Duration of diagnosis.2995
Black race versus other.3490
Incidence of grade 2–4 AE.4374
Presence of hepatitis C antibody.5938
Structured treatment interruption.7757
Drug use.9548

FAHI: Functional Assessment of HIV Infection; OBR: optimized background regimen; AE: adverse event.