Research Article

Reduced Central Memory CD4+ T Cells and Increased T-Cell Activation Characterise Treatment-Naive Patients Newly Diagnosed at Late Stage of HIV Infection

Table 3

(a) Analysis of the association of demographic and HIV-related characteristics with advanced HIV disease at presentation. (b) Analysis of the association of T-cells subpopulations with advanced HIV disease at presentation.

ParametersAdvanced HIV disease at presentationP
(CD4 T cell 200 and/or AIDS defining event)
No (196, 71%)Yes (79, 29%)

Age, years*36 (31–44)42 (34–52)0.0001
Gender, male°158 (81)67 (85)0.414
Risk group°0.044
 Homosexual118 (60)34 (43)
 Heterosexual70 (36)41 (52)
 IDUs6 (3)4 (5)
 Other2 (1)0
Migrants°50 (26)23 (29)0.540
HCV coinfection°10 (5)6 (11)0.304
Calendar year of presentation°0.136
 200763 (32)22 (28)
 200840 (20)21 (26)
 200950 (25)11 (14)
 201039 (20)22 (28)
 January–March 20114 (3)3 (4)
HIV-RNA log10 cp/mL*4.31 (3.17–4.99)4.68 (1.77–5.37)0.437
CD4+ T cells/ L*460 (340–614)110 (56–192)0.0001


T-cells immune phenotypesAdvanced HIV disease at presentationP
(CD4 T cell 200 and/or AIDS defining event)
No (196, 71%)Yes (79, 29%)

CD4+ T cells %*26 (20–32)10 (7–17)0.0001
CD8+ T cells %*48 (41–57)59 (51–66)0.0001
CD4+CD127+ cells %*15 (10–22)6 (3–11)0.0001
CD8+CD127+ cells %*10 (8–15)12 (8–22)0.05
CD4+CD95+ cells %*2 (1–4)2 (1–3)0.713
CD8+CD95+ cells %*2 (1–3)3 (2–6)0.0001
CD8+CD38+ cells %*5 (2–10)11 (3–25)0.0001
CD8+CD38+CD45R0+ cells %*11 (7–19)14 (10–25)0.008

Data are presented as *median, (Interquartile Range, IQR) and °absolute number, (%). IDUs: injection drug users; migrants: people who were born outside the European community (including people from Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America); HCV: hepatitis C virus.
Comparison between categorical variables was assessed by Pearson’s Chi square and between continuous variables by nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. was considered to denote statistical significance.