Research Article

Early Diagnosis of HIV among Infants Born to HIV-Positive Mothers on Option-B Plus in Kampala, Uganda

Table 2

Factors associated with use of EID among HEIs, Kisenyi HC IV, Kampala, Uganda.

Characteristics Unadjusted multinomial logistic regression analysis Adjusted multinomial logistic regression analysis
HEI tested by DNA-PCR outside EID guideline versus HEI not tested valueHEI tested by DNA-PCR per EID guideline versus HEI not tested valueHEI tested by DNA-PCR outside EID guideline versus HEI not tested valueHEI tested by DNA-PCR per EID guideline versus HEI not tested value
UOR (95% CI)UOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)

Maternal age
 ≤30 years1111
 >30 years2.72 (1.41–5.23)0.0033.82 (1.95–7.51)<0.0011.97 (0.87–4.49)0.1062.75 (1.20–6.34)0.017
Marital status
 Married2.32 (1.21–4.47)0.0112.42 (1.23–4.74)0.011.28 (0.55–2.98)0.571.35 (0.57–3.15)0.494
Form of employment
 Formal26.32 (5.49–26.16)<0.00131.82 (6.36–9.18)<0.0017.54 (0.77–5.89)0.0827.68 (0.75–8.99)0.086
 self2.23 (1.13–4.40)0.023.42 (1.65–7.10)0.0011.19 (0.5–2.77)0.6911.67 (0.68–4.08)0.265
Mother knows HIV is transmissible at pregnancy, labor and delivery, and breastfeeding
 Yes7.88 (3.72–16.70)<0.00110.53 (4.87–22.79)<0.0012.90 (1.10–7.65)0.0323.70 (1.39–9.88)0.009
Mother knows the correct frequency and timing of EID
 Yes6.33 (2.66–15.09)<0.0017.42 (3.09–17.84)<0.0011.12 (0.36–3.54)0.8461.61 (0.50–5.15)0.425
Disclosed HIV serostatus
 Yes6.34 (3.06–13.14)<0.0014.61 (2.16–9.83)<0.0012.70 (1.10–6.63)0.0301.60 (0.62–4.41)0.332
ANC visits
 <4 visits1111
 ≥4 visits8.01 (3.72–17.27)<0.0016.80 (3.11–14.85)<0.0013.25 (1.23–8.59)0.0172.45 (0.88–6.81)0.086
Distance to the health facility
 >50.53 (0.29–0.99)0.0490.43 (0.22–0.82)0.0110.87 (0.26–2.95)0.8251.81 (0.45–7.28)0.400
Time to health facility
 <1 hour1111
 ≥1 hour0.52 (0.27–0.99)0.0480.26 (0.13–0.50)<0.0011.15 (0.33–3.98)0.8290.35 (0.09–1.42)0.142

Note. AOR: adjusted odds ratio; % considered statistically significant; UOR: unadjusted odds ratio; variables with significant correlation with other variables (VIF > 10) were excluded.