Research Article

Coping Strategies for Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy among Adult HIV Patients Attending University of Gondar Referral Hospital, Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Frequency distribution of adverse effects experienced by HIV patients who wereattending HIV clinic at UoGRH.

Type of Adverse effectsNumber of HIV patientsNumber of adverse effects
N ()N ()

Central NervousHeadache190 (48.2)190 (21.6)
System (CNS) &Sedation12 (3)12 (1.4)
Peripheral nervousHallucination25 (6.3)25 (2.8)
system (PNS)Anxiety42 (10.7)42 (4.8)
Nervousness26 (6.6)26 (3)
Insomnia42 (10.7)42 (4.8)
Forgetfulness26 (6.6)26 (3)
Vertigo36 (9.1)36 (4.1)
Tinnitus14 (3.6)14 (1.6)
Back pain50 (12.7)50 (5.7)
Peripheral numbness30 (7.6)30 (3.4)
Burning sensation52 (13.2)52 (5.9)
Total CNS & peripheral adverse effects545 (62)

Gastrointestinal (GI)Gastritis38 (9.6)38 (4.3)
Vomiting12 (3)12 (1.4)
Diarrhea10 (2.5)10 (1.1)
Nausea16 (4.1)16 (1.8)
Total GI adverse effects76 (8.6)

SkinSkin rash21 (5.3)21 (2.4)
Itching44 (11.2)44 (5)
Sweating14 (3.6)14 (1.6)
Total skin adverse effects79 (9)

MetabolicLoss of appetite69 (17.5)69 (7.8)
Fatigue71 (18)71 (8.1)
Lipodystrophy3 (0.8)3 (0.3)
Hyperglycemia2 (0.5)2 (0.2)
Total Metabolic adverse effects145 (16.4)

OthersAnemia8 (2)8 (0.9)
Vision problem13(3.3)13(1.5)
Loss of sexual desire3 (0.8)3 (0.3)
Bloating5 (1.3)5 (0.6)
Crampy abdominal pain6 (1.5)6 (0.7)
Total other adverse effects35(4)
Grand total adverse effects880 (100)