Clinical Study

Real-World Experience with Dolutegravir-Based Two-Drug Regimens

Table 2

Virologic response following DTG 2DR initiation according to viral load prior to DTG 2DR.

Overall population (N = 278)

Suppressed at initiation of DTG 2DR (<50 copies/mL)116 (41.7)
 Suppressed, remained suppressed110 (94.8)
 Suppressed, became detectable6 (5.2)

Nonsuppressed at initiation of DTG 2DR (≥50 copies/mL)140 (50.3)
 Detectable, became suppressed, remained suppressed111 (79.3)
 Detectable, remained detectable22 (15.7)
 Detectable, became suppressed, then rebounded7 (5.0)

Virologic data not available22 (7.9)

This population represents the number of patients who had data both at initiation and during follow-up. 2DR, 2-drug regimen; DTG, dolutegravir.