Research Article

Evaluating the Effect of Control Flow on the Unit Testing Effort of Classes: An Empirical Analysis

Table 1

Assignment rules of the probabilities.

NodesProbability assignment rule

(if, else)0.5 for the exiting arc “condition true”
0.5 for the exiting arc “condition false”
while0.75 for the exiting arc “condition true”
0.25 for the exiting arc “condition false”
(do, while)1 for the arc: (the internal instructions are executed at least once)
(switch, case)1/n for each arc of the n cases
(?,:)0.5 for the exiting arc “condition true”
0.5 for the exiting arc “condition false”
for0.75 for entering the loop
0.25 for skipping the loop
(try, catch)0.75 for the arc of the “try” bloc
0.25 for the arc of the “catch” bloc
Polymorphism1/n for each of the eventual n calls