Research Article

Tag-Protector: An Effective and Dynamic Detection of Illegal Memory Accesses through Compile Time Code Instrumentation

Algorithm 3

Stage 3: tag creation for memory objects that are declared locally inside each function.
Input: Instrumented LLVM-IR code generated in stage-2 of tag-protection pass; memory
   map table ; Dedicated tag address ;
Output: Instrumented LLVM-IR code generated through LLVM opt command using stage-3 of tag-protection pass
for each function definition in do
 for each instruction in do
   if is a memory object allocation instruction and does not create pointer object
   if creates an array memory object then
     Find start and end address, create and mark pointers and assign
     them start and end addresses.
     Store memory object , its type and tag marks information in
   if is memory allocation instruction and creates pointer object then
    Create local and mark pointers and initialize them with NULL value.
    Store memory object instruction , its type and tag information in
   if is heap memory allocation function call instruction then
    Find start and end address of heap allocation. Find respective memory object and
    retrieve and marks from .
    Create new STORE instructions to assign start and end addresses to the tag marks.
   if is heap memory deallocation function call instruction then
    Retrieve corresponding tag marks from and initialize it with
  if is a STORE instruction and updates an allocated memory object pointer address from source operand. then
    Retrieve respective and marks from for source memory object.
    Retrieve respective and marks from for destination memory object.
    Create store instructions to copy address values from source to destination tag marks.
Save modified LLVM-IR code as an instrumented LLVM-IR code