Clinical Study

Anastomotic Repair versus Free Graft Urethroplasty for Bulbar Strictures: A Focus on the Impact on Sexual Function

Table 2

Mean paired differences (Δ) of the maximum urinary flow () and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). The standard deviation is provided between brackets (FGU = free graft urethroplasty; AR = anastomotic repair).

Δ (mL/s) valueΔIPSS (6 weeks versus preop) valueΔIPSS (6 months versus preop) value

All+19.8 (13.9)<0.001 −17 ()<0.001 −20 ()<0.001
FGU+13.8 (11.7)0.007 −16 ()<0.001 −21 ()<0.001
AR+22.3 (14.3)<0.001 −17 ()<0.001 −20 ()<0.001