Clinical Study

Radiofrequency Ablation-Assisted Zero-Ischemia Robotic Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy: Oncologic and Functional Outcomes in 49 Patients

Table 2

Perioperative outcomes and complication.


Mean warm ischemia time, min31.10
Mean total operative time, min293370<0.001
  Mean (range), cm250 (100–800)231 (50–1200)0.42
  Number of transfusion (%)4 (11.1%)4 (8.2%)0.7
Mean hospital stay (range), days4.4 (2–12)3.9 (1–14)0.2
Mean pathologic tumor size, greatest dimension (range), cm3.7 (1.5–12)4.1 (1.2–12)0.31
Number of pathological diagnosis:3649
  Renal cell carcinoma (%)24 (66.7%)34 (69.4%)0.8
  Benign kidney findings (%)12 (33.3%)15 (30.6%)0.8
  Positive surgical margin (%)1 (3.3%)2 (4.1%)0.75
  Other malignancies (%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Number of cases requiring collecting system reconstruction (%)11 (30.6)37 (76%)<0.001
Number of patients with urological complications (%)3 (8.3%)18 (36.7%)0.004
Number of patients with urine leak (%)2 (5.6%)17 (34.5%)0.001
Number of patients with nonurological complications excluding hemorrhage (%)5 (13.9%)5 (10.2%)0.7
Number of patients with hemorrhage (%)4 (11.1%)3 (6.1%)0.45
Subsequent procedures/admission needed (%)4 (11.1%)8 (16.3%)0.57

, estimated blood loss.