Research Article

Histoprotective Effect of Essential Oil from Citrus aurantifolia in Testosterone-Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Rat

Figure 9

Photomicrographs of H&E stained kidney sections of various experimental groups: (a) sham; (b) model, TE (10 mg/kg)/olive oil injection (i.m.); (c) finasteride (positive control), TE (10 mg/kg)/olive oil injection (i.m.) + finasteride administration (15 mg/kg, p.o.); (d) small dose, TE (10 mg/kg)/olive oil injection (i.m.) + LEO (30 mg/kg); (e) medium dose, TE (10 mg/kg)/olive oil injection (i.m.) + LEO (100 mg/kg); (f) high dose, TE (10 mg/kg)/olive oil injection (i.m.) + LEO (300 mg/kg). The red arrow represents glomeruli with surrounding Bowman’s space, the yellow arrow represents proximal and distal convoluted tubules, green represents collecting duct, and the purple arrow represents inflammatory cells. Model group showed diffuse vasodilatation and/or infiltration of inflammatory cells in the glomeruli and tubulointerstitium, enlarged glomeruli and reduced Bowman’s space, tubular degenerative changes; and dilatation of medullary ray tubules. Finasteride-treated group had mild vasodilation and few enlarged glomeruli, few inflammatory cells, less tubular degenerative changes but enlarged collecting ducts. Lime essential oil-treated group showed a dose-dependent decrease in severity of these features. High dose LEO-treated group had kidney features comparable to the sham group.