Research Article

The Social Cognitive Evaluation Battery for Children with Autism: A New Tool for the Assessment of Cognitive and Social Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Table 1

Examples of items taken from the 16 developmental level scales of the SCEB.

SubscalesExamples of items

Social interaction He or she knows how to solicit the adult (by gesture or verbally) to take part or follow with in a parlor game with or without an object
Behavior regulation He responds to a simple order
Joint attention When an adult points to an object, he looks directly at the object indicated
Expressive language He can comment on his own actions
Comprehensive language He understands sentences of two familiar words in context.
Vocal imitation He can imitate familiar noises (car engine, horn, machines etc)
Gesture imitation He can immediately imitate a gesture that he knows
Affective relation He recognizes and differentiates his parents
Emotional expression He smiles at the appearance of an object he wants
Self-image He can name and indicate the parts of his face
Symbolic play He can perform playful actions with unrelated objects (e.g., simulating phoning or a flying plane with a pen.)
Object relation schemata He handles objects in an exploratory way (turning over, shaking, scratching, hitting etc.)
Operational causality When a mechanical toy stops working, the child looks at it impatiently
Means-ends He uses the handle of a toy rake to pull a cloth out of a cylinder
Spatial relations He can fit objects of different shapes into each other
Object permanence An object hidden under one box is moved in view of the child and hidden under another box, the child immediately finds the object under the second box