Research Article

Characteristics of Children Who Lost the Diagnosis of Autism: A Sample from Istanbul, Turkey

Table 2

Changes in CARS items.

CARS itemInitial score meanInitial score standard deviationFinal score meanFinal score standard deviation value

(1) Relating to people2.400.371.140.23<0.0001
(2) Imitation2.450.461.060.20<0.0001
(3) Emotional response2.190.391.100.20<0.0001
(4) Body use2.260.541.060.17<0.0001
(5) Object use2.460.521.290.42<0.0001
(6) Adaptation to change2.030.541.270.36<0.0001
(7) Visual response2.270.441.140.23<0.0001
(8) Listening response2.410.321.180.27<0.0001
(9) Taste, smell, and touch response1.630.481.140.28<0.0001
(10) Fear or nervousness1.490.411.300.390.03*
(11) Verbal communication2.690.421.250.30<0.0001
(12) Nonverbal communication2.410.361.140.23<0.0001
(13) Activity level1.730.591.910.790.13**
(14) Intellectual response2.000.531.120.21<0.0001
(15) General impressions2.410.381.090.19<0.0001

Not significant after Bonferroni correction.
Not significant.