Research Article

Recognition of Emotion from Facial Expressions with Direct or Averted Eye Gaze and Varying Expression Intensities in Children with Autism Disorder and Typically Developing Children

Table 3

Mean intensity ratings for facial expressions by emotion strength and eye gaze direction in children with AD and typically developing children.

Mean intensity ratings for facial expressions by emotion strength
ā€‰100% emotion strength50% emotion strength

Typically developing children1.82 2.73 (.88)*
Children with autism disorder2.38 2.73 (.89)*

Mean intensity ratings of facial expressions by eye gaze direction
ā€‰Direct eye gazeAverted eye gaze

Typically developing children2.36 (.08)a2.25 (.09)
Children with autism disorder2.72 2.33 (.09)*

Intensity ratings ranged from 1 (least intense) to 4 (most intense). Standard deviations are in parentheses.
Superscripts indicate significant between-group differences (typically developing versus with autism disorder), .
Asterisks indicate significant within-group differences, .