Research Article

Artificial 64-Residue HIV-1 Enhancer-Binding Peptide Is a Potent Inhibitor of Viral Replication in HIV-1-Infected Cells

Figure 3

Footprint assay of the specificity of R64-HIV-1 enhancer binding. The two enhancer sequences are marked by vertical bars. Lanes 1 to 5 contained 1 pmol each of labeled HIV-1 LTR DNA (positions –118 to –67), which had been methylated by dimethyl sulfate and cleaved by piperidine in lanes 2 to 5. Lanes 3 to 5 contained R64 (50, 100 and 200 pmol, resp.) and competitor DNA (200 pmol per lane). Lane 6, G/A bands of Maxam-Gilbert sequencing [24] of the HIV-1 LTR DNA. G*, hyporeactive G bases.