Research Article

Optimization of Ex Vivo Murine Bone Marrow Derived Immature Dendritic Cells: A Comparative Analysis of Flask Culture Method and Mouse CD11c Positive Selection Kit Method

Figure 3

Comparison between adhered and suspended BMDCs phenotype markers generated by flask culture method and EasySep Magnet Positive Selection kit based method. The observed difference was statistically significant Graph showing the percentage of (a) MHCII positive cells expressing DCs in adhered cell population, (b) MHCII positive cells expressing DCs in suspended cell population, (c) CD86 positive cells expressing DCs in adhered cell population, (d) CD86 positive cells expressing DCs in suspended cell population, (e) CD40 positive cells expressing DCs in adhered cell population, and CD40 positive cells expressing DCs in suspended cell population. Results were analyzed with paired -test and significant difference between the two methods of CD86 positive cells expressing DCs in suspended cell population and CD40 positive cells expressing DCs in both adhered and suspended cell population were seen but there was no significant difference between the MHCII positive cells expressing DCs in adhered and suspended cell population as well as in adhered CD86 positive cells expressing DCs in adhered cell population. significant; statistically significant.