Research Article

Clinical Significance of Epigenetic Inactivation of hMLH1 and BRCA1 in Tunisian Patients with Invasive Breast Carcinoma

Table 2

Association between gene promoter methylation and clinicopathological features ER and p53 expression in breast cancer.

M (%) U (%) M (%) U (%)

N7835 (44.8) 43 (55.1)17 (21.7)57 (73)
453019 (63.3)11 (36.7) 6 (21.4)22 (78.6)
454816 (33.3)32 (66.7)11 (23.9)35 (76.1)
Tumor size
 mm 3818 (47.4)20 (52.6)3 (8.1)34 (91.9)
 mm 4017 (42.5)23 (57.5)14 (37.8)23 (62.2)
No3718 (48.6)19 (51.4)1 (2.8)35 (97.2)
Yes14 8 (37.1) 6 (42.9)4 (30.8) 9 (69.2)
5 years227 (31.8)15 (68.2)3 (14.3)18 (87.5)
5 years129 (75) 3 (25)1 (8.3)11 (91.7)
(a)Response to radiotherapy
Radiosensitive3718 (48.6)19 (51.4)1 (2.8)35 (97.2)
Radioresistant 14 8 (57.1) 6 (42.9)4 (30.8) 9 (69.2)
Positive19 9 (47.4)10 (52.6)7 (36.8)12 (63.2)
Moderate2811 (39.3)17 (60.7)2 (7.7)24 (92.3)
Negative 3115 (48.4)16 (51.6)8 (27.6)21 (72.4)
Positive 169 (56.3) 7 (43.8)
Negative 2310 (43.5)13 (56.5)5 (68.8)11 (31.3)
0 (0)21 (100)

DFS: Disease Free Survival, ER: Estrogen Receptor. Data for DFS, response to radiotherapy, metastasis, and p53 status were not available for all specimens. Comparisons of DFS and P53 status was made by Fisher’s exact test and all other comparisons were by the 2 test.