Review Article

Protein-Protein Interaction Changes in an Archaeal Light-Signal Transduction

Figure 6

(a) and (b) 𝑝 p R M minus ppR infrared difference spectra without (red lines) and with (blue lines) pHtrII in the 1735–1675  c m 1 region. Spectra are measured at 250 K and pH 7 upon hydration with H 2 O (a) and D 2 O (b). One division of the 𝑦 - that axis corresponds to 0.005 absorbance units. (c) and (d) Double difference spectra obtained from the 𝑝 p R M minus ppR spectra (a) and (b), where the spectra without pHtrII were subtracted from those with pHtrII. One division of the 𝑦 axis corresponds to 0.0018 absorbance units. (e) and (f) 𝑝 p R M minus ppR infrared difference spectra for the 1 3 C -labeled ppR without (red lines) and with (blue lines) unlabeled pHtrII. (g) and (h) 𝑝 p R M minus ppR infrared difference spectra for the 1 3 C -labeled ppR with unlabeled wild-type (blue lines) and N74T-mutant (orange lines) pHtrII. One division of the 𝑦 axis corresponds to 0.005 absorbance units. Spectra are measured at 250 K and pH 7 upon hydration with H 2 O (e, g) and D 2 O (f, h). The original data appeared in [21].