Research Article

BacMam Virus Transduced Cardiomyoblasts Can Be Used for Myocardial Transplantation Using AP-PEG-A Microcapsules: Molecular Cloning, Preparation, and In Vitro Analysis

Figure 6

Mechanical and osmotic stability of the AP-PEG-A membrane. The microcapsules prepared by microencapsulating of 2 × 1 0 6  cells/mL of alginate were subjected to osmotic pressure and rotational stress by rotating them in a hypotonic solution at 150 rpm in a horizontal shaker for 120 min. Samples were collected from time to time; number of free cells were counted in hemocytometer to know the percentage of cells still encapsulated inside the intact microcapsules (a). The data represent the mean of three independent experiments, and error bars represent standard error of the mean. Representative bright field images of the microcapsules encapsulating H9c2 cells under 100x magnifications (b).