Research Article

Enhanced Muscle Growth by Plasmid-Mediated Delivery of Myostatin Propeptide

Figure 5

Morphometric analysis of gastrocnemius muscle. (a) H&E staining displays myofiber hypertrophy in muscles injected with pCI-MProD76A-EGFP compared with pCI-EGFP control, Scale bars: 100  𝜇 m. (b) Distribution of muscle fiber sizes in mice injected with either pCI-MProD76A-EGFP or pCI-EGFP. The diameter of 77% pCI-MProD76A-EGFP treated myofibers was measured at 30–60  𝜇 m, whereas that of 86% control myofibers was measured at 15–45  𝜇 m ( 𝑃 < . 0 5 , 𝑛 = 3 ).