Review Article

Advances in BAC-Based Physical Mapping and Map Integration Strategies in Plants

Figure 3

Results of matrix pool screening for the barley BAC library HVVMRXALLeA. (a) Schematic representation of a matrix pool composed of 23 pools for the BAC library HVVMRXALLeA [24]. The colored panels in A indicate the plate, row, and column matrix pools. Each circle represents a plate/row/column matrix pool where its composition is indicated within the circle. A matrix pool is composed of clones from seven 384 well BAC library plates. The clones within the seven plates are pooled based on a predefined matrix to form plate, row, and column matrix pools. A1—H4 indicate the position of each pool in a 96-well plate. NEG: negative control. POS: positive control, in this case genomic DNA of barley cultivar “Morex” where the BAC library was derived from. E: empty well. (b) Ethidium-bromide-stained agarose gel (1.5%) image of matrix pool screening. A1—H4 indicate the well position of each pool in the PCR plate. F1 is the positive control where G1 represents the negative control. Two signals are required to identify a given coordinate of the BAC address. Positive pools are highlighted by a green border and the shared coordinates between positive pools are underlined in (a). Arrowheads indicate in each panel the position of the 1500, 400, and 50 bp fragments of the FastRuler Low Range marker. L (size standard in bp).