Research Article

Treatment of Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell Cultures with Plasmocin

Figure 3

Agarose gel showing the results of a mycoplasma detection PCR. Two PCR reactions were performed per sample: one with the sample only and one with the sample and an internal control DNA added at a limiting dilution. The wild-type PCR product is represented by the lower band with a size of approximately 520 bp. The upper band is the amplification product of the internal control DNA (986 bp). (1) 100 bp ladder, (2) mycoplasma-negative cell line, (3) mycoplasma-negative cell line with internal control, (4) A. laidlawii-contaminated cell line, (5) A. laidlawii-contaminated cell line with internal control, (6) M. hyorhinis-contaminated cell line, (7) M. hyorhinis-contaminated cell line with internal control (the intermediate band at approximately 750 bp is a hybrid of a 520 bp and a 986 bp product), (8) internal control only, (9) positive control only, (10) positive control with internal control, (11) water control, and (12) 100 bp ladder.