Research Article

Characterization of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus Clones from the NIH Miniature Pig BAC Library

Figure 1

Contig maps for PERV-positive BAC clones using primers designed from BAC end-sequences. Fifteen PERV containing contig maps were constructed in this study ((a)–(d)) PERV-A type; ((e)–(h)) PERV-B type; ((i)–(o)) PERV-C type) and five contigs ((c,) (g), (l), (n) and (o)) were identified as singletons. Solid circles indicate that primers were designed from the BAC end-sequences and open circles indicate that no primers were designed from the BAC end-sequences due to the repetitive sequences. Also, the presence of common BAC end-sequences among the PERV-positive BAC clones is indicated by cross mark.