Research Article

The Safety of Cruciferous Plants in Humans: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Eligibility criteria and data extracted1.

PICOSEligibility criteriaData extracted

PatientAll human subjects were includedAge, concurrent medical conditions and treatments, reason for intervention (where relevant)
InterventionAll types of exposure (oral, topical, or respiratory) to cruciferous plants, their derivatives, or their constituentsPlant or substance exposed to, route of exposure, duration of exposure, dose (if available)
ComparatorsReports with or without a comparator group. Reports without control groups were included in order to include all potential adverse eventsNumbers in the intervention and comparator groups (when relevant)
OutcomeReports of presence or absence of adverse eventsPresence or absence of adverse events, description of adverse event, acute management of adverse event (for case reports), outcome (when available), and causality
Study designAll study designs which were relevant to the assessment of safety were included. Studies in all languages were included and translated when necessaryType of study design and setting

1PICOS: patient, intervention, comparators, outcome, study design.