Research Article

Quantitative Proteomic Study of Human Lung Squamous Carcinoma and Normal Bronchial Epithelial Acquired by Laser Capture Microdissection

Table 2

Differential expressed proteins in LCM-purified HLSC and NHBE identified by mass spectrometry.

No. of proteinsCoverage (%)UniprotKBACNamePeptides115 : 113


Differentially labeled proteins are identified by QSTAR. The % coverage of analyzed peptides and Swiss-Prot accession number were shown for each protein. Proteins displaying an average fold-difference of ≥1.2-fold up- (+) or ≤0.8-fold down- (-) regulation between pairs of conditions where 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 are shown (115: the group of HLSC; 113: the group of NHBE).