Review Article

Rabbit and Mouse Models of HSV-1 Latency, Reactivation, and Recurrent Eye Diseases

Table 2

Detection of infectious HSV-1 from eye swabs—spontaneous shedding in noninduced mice.

Mouse strainGenderHSV-1 StrainTissue/fluid/identification procedureFrequency of detection of reactivationAuthors, year (reference no.)

BALB/c (inbred)MaleMcKraeOcular swabs3/97 (3%)Willey et al., 1984 [44];
Laycock et al., 1991 [112]
ICR (Harlem outbred)MalePattonExplant TG6/22 (27%); 14 hr time periodPesola et al., 2005 [113]
ICR (Harlem)MaleKOSExplant TG1/20 (5%); 2 hr time periodPesola et al., 2005 [113]
ICR (Harlem)MaleKOSExplant TG4/18 (22%); 14 hr time periodPesola et al., 2005 [113]
NIH-OLA (inbred)NAMcKraeEye wash1/11 (9%)Shimeld et al., 1990 [42]
Swiss Webster (outbred)Male17 Syn+TG homogenized1/23 (4%); PI day 31Sawtell 2003 [46]
Swiss Webster (outbred)Male17 Syn+TG homogenized1/16 (6%); PI day 60Sawtell 2003 [46]

NA: not Available and PI: postinoculation.