Methodology Report

A Novel Framework for the Identification and Analysis of Duplicons between Human and Chimpanzee

Table 2

The distribution of duplicons on human/chimpanzee SDs and CNVs. The number of hits stands for the number of SDs/CNVs containing our duplicons. The percentage of hits is shown in brackets. The last column is the average number of duplicons and the percentage of base pair in one SD or CNV.

Data set Total no. No. of hits (%) Average no.

Chimpanzee-specific SDs 219 219 (100%) 43
Human-specific SDs 618 603 (98%) 31
Human/chimp-shared SDs 658 654 (99%) 24

Chimpanzee-specific CNVs 288 288 (100%) 16
Human-specific CNVs 207 206 (99%) 23
Human/chimp-shared CNVs 296 252 (85%) 22