Research Article

A Comparative Study for the Evaluation of Two Doses of Ellagic Acid on Hepatic Drug Metabolizing and Antioxidant Enzymes in the Rat

Figure 1

The expression levels of CYP1A protein and mRNA in control rats and rats treated with EA. Treatments were carried out as described in Section 2. Lanes 1–10, rat liver microsome sample. Wells have equal amount of protein. (a) Representative immunoblot analysis of liver microsomal CYP1A proteins in sample and experimental groups, using rabbit anti-rat CYP1A IgG for 1 h at room temperature. Proteins were detected using chemoluminescent substrate for 3 minutes, and bands were visualized and recorded using a DNR LightBIS Pro Image Analysis System. (b) Comparison of CYP1A protein and mRNA levels among experimental groups. The bar graphs represent the mean intensity of the bands obtained from western blot and/or qRT-PCR results. Results are presented as the mean from three independent experiments and expressed as relative mean ± standard deviation.