Research Article

Natural Oncolytic Activity of Live-Attenuated Measles Virus against Human Lung and Colorectal Adenocarcinomas

Figure 2

Expression of CD46 and CD150/SLAM receptors on human adenocarcinoma cells. (a) Lung (left) and colorectal (right) tumor cell lines were stained with anti-CD46-FITC, anti-CD150/SLAM-PE, and anti-Nectin-4-PE antibodies (thick black lines) in PBS/0.1% BSA for 30 min before analysis by flow cytometry. Isotypic stainings are shown as grey filled curves. (b)-(c) CD46 (b) and Nectin-4 (c) expression levels were determined for each lung (white bars) or colorectal (black bars) tumor cell line in three independent experiments. Expression levels of CD46 and Nectin-4 for normal bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) are indicated. MFI: median fluorescence intensity.