Research Article

Androgen Signaling Disruption during Fetal and Postnatal Development Affects Androgen Receptor and Connexin 43 Expression and Distribution in Adult Boar Prostate

Figure 3

Androgen receptor and Cx43 mRNAs and protein expression in prostates of control and flutamide-exposed boars. ((a), (c)) Androgen receptor and Cx43 mRNAs expression. As an intrinsic control, the GAPDH mRNA level was measured in the samples. Representative gels electrophoresis of qualitative expression of AR (a), Cx43 (c) and GAPDH mRNAs. Line N1—negative control without cDNA template, line N2—negative control without reverse transcribed RNA. Relative expression of mRNA for AR (a) and Cx43 (c) determined using real-time RT-PCR analysis. Relative quantification (RQ) is expressed as means ± SD. Significant differences from control values are denoted as * , ** , and *** . ((b), (d)) Androgen receptor and Cx43 protein expression. Representative immunoblots for AR (b) and Cx43 (d). Actin was used as a loading control, and each set of shown actin immunoblots corresponds to the target protein that was investigated within a given panel. The relative level of AR (b) and Cx43 (d) protein normalized against its corresponding -actin. Data obtained from three separate analyses is expressed as mean ± SD. Significant differences from control values are denoted as * , ** , and *** .