Clinical Study

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Urinary Bladder during Voiding in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Preliminary Study

Table 1

Comparison of demographic, urodynamic, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) parameters between the obstructed and unobstructed groups.

Statistics (median)Obstructed Unobstructed P value*

Age (yr)68 (52–86)68.5 (42–76)0.99
BMI (Kg/m2)26.5 (20–32)26.6 (24–34)0.69
IPSS19 (7–28)12 (5–33)0.23
Prostate volume42 (23–160)32 (21–50)0.15
Voided volumes172 (16–600)201 (97–424)0.69
(mL/s)5 (2–12)7 (2–9)
(cmH2O)69 (37–175)39 (26–47)
PVR (mL)169 (0–682)103 (0–350)0.69
HHb (µmol/L)1.8 (−4.0–6.2)−4.5 (−5.6–2.1)0.045*
O2Hb (µmol/L)1.1 (−5.8–7.5)0.32 (−1.5–4.8)0.09
Hbsum (µmol/L)2.6 (−9.0–9.5)0.33 (−4.8–2.6)0.23

BMI: body mass index, IPSS: International Prostate Symptom Score, PSA: prostate specific antigen, : maximum flow rate, PVR: postvoid residual urine, HHb: deoxy-hemoglobin, O2Hb: oxy-hemoglobin, Hbsum: total hemoglobin (Hbsum = HHb + O2Hb), : detrusor pressure at maximum flow rate.
value <0.05 is significant (Mann Whitney test).