Research Article

Stepwise Embryonic Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles on Oryzias latipes

Table 1

Acute lethal toxicity of AgNPs to adults and embryos of freshwater teleosts.

Species (age or stage)Exposure duration (h)LC50 (95% CI)1 (mg/L)Reference

Oryzias latipes (~4 month old)960.80 (0.65–0.96)This study
O. latipes (adult)481.03[24]
O. latipes (adult)960.0346[20]
Danio rerio (adult)480.084[25]
D. rerio (adult)487.07 (6.04–8.28)[17]
D. rerio (adult)24250[26]
Oncorhynchus mykiss (adult)962.3[27]
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (adult)9666.4[28]
Carassius auratus (adult)9683.9[28]

O. latipes (embryo, <24 h of spawning)960.84 (0.67–1.00)This study
O. latipes (embryo, <24 h of spawning)961.39[7]
Pimephales promelas (embryo, <24 h of spawning)9610.6[13]

95% confidence intervals.