Research Article

Different Mechanisms of Inflammation Induced in Virus and Autoimmune-Mediated Models of Multiple Sclerosis in C57BL6 Mice

Table 2

Pattern and level of inflammation in EAE- and RSA59-infected mouse spinal cords.

Distribution of inflammationAcute phase MHV Chronic phase MHV Acute phase EAEChronic phase EAE

Gray matter1/8 (12.5%)0/5 (0%)0/8 (0%)0/12 (0%)
White matter1/8 (12.5%)5/5 (100%)8/8 (100%)12/12 (100%)
Both gray and white matters6/8 (75%)0/5 (0%)0/8 (0%)0/12 (0%)
No inflammation0/8 (0%)0/5 (0%)0/8 (0%)0/12 (0%)

= number of mice exhibiting the staining pattern ( ) out of the total number examined ( ). Numbers in parentheses are the percentages of mice exhibiting each staining pattern.