Research Article

The Impact of Aspergillus fumigatus Viability and Sensitization to Its Allergens on the Murine Allergic Asthma Phenotype

Figure 2

Effect of inhaled dead or live A. fumigatus conidia on the development of allergy-associated responses in a nonsensitized murine host. Total IgE (a, c) and IgG1 (b, d) levels were determined in the serum (a, b) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) (c, d) samples obtained from mice challenged with dead or live A. fumigatus conidia, at days 3, 7, and 28 after third fungal challenge. Commercially available mouse-specific ELISAs were used for this purpose. Ccl17 (e) and tslp (f) mRNA levels were determined in the murine lung homogenates, via SYBR green-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The fold change in the lung was determined using 2-ΔΔCT method and standardized against naïve levels (dashed line). Bars represent mean ± SEM,  mice/group. *, #, value < 0.05, as compared with naïve mice or mice challenged with dead conidia, respectively.