Research Article

Increasing Affinity of Interferon- Receptor 1 to Interferon- by Computer-Aided Design

Table 1

Structural similarity of the IFN- receptor molecules (IFN- -Rx) at and outside the interface with IFN- . Four receptor chains from crystal structures 1fg9 [17] and 1fyh [29] are compared to receptor chain D of 1fg9.

PDB rmsd (Å)armsd (Å)b

Code:chain40 interface residues40 random residues

Root mean square deviations (rmsd) between the four IFN- -Rx molecules (labeled PDB_ID:chain) and the chain D of 1fg9. Deviations are calculated between the positions of the main chain atoms of the 40 residues forming the interface with IFN- .
bRoot mean square deviations (rmsd) between the four IFN- -Rx molecules (labeled PDB_ID:chain) and the chain D of 1fg9. Deviations are calculated between the positions of the main chain atoms randomly selected outside the 40 residues forming the interface with IFN- .