Research Article

Analytical Variables Affecting Analysis of F2-Isoprostanes and F4-Neuroprostanes in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

Table 1

Results of quantification of F2-IsoPs and F4-NPs in three test CSF samples that have been processed for F2-IsoPs (IsoP method) or F4-NPs (NP method) analysis.

NP methodIsoP method% of difference for F2-IsoPsc
F4-NPs (pg/mL)F2-IsoPs (pg/mL)F2-IsoPs (pg/mL)

L-CSF (8.8%) (0.5%) (1.7%)a5.2%
M-CSF (9.1%) (3.0%) (1.7%)1.7%
H-CSF (11.4%) (2.8%) (0.9%)b66.0%

There were three replicates for each CSF sample. Nine CSF samples were processed and analyzed together. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation (coefficient of variation). Coefficient of variation was the ratio of standard deviation to mean presented as percentage and was used to represent within-run imprecision. a ( under assumption of equal variance versus values of F2-IsoPs for L-CSF processed by the NP method). b ( under assumption of unequal variance versus values of F2-IsoPs for H-CSF processed by the NP method). cThe difference between the mean values of two methods divided by the mean values from IsoP method is calculated and represented as % of difference.