Research Article

Comparative Analyses of the β-Tubulin Gene and Molecular Modeling Reveal Molecular Insight into the Colchicine Resistance in Kinetoplastids Organisms

Table 1

Tolerance prediction analysis of the amino acid residues substitution on the colchicine-binding domain.

ns/s SNP* Position Scores#
BovineA. polyphaga Leishmania

248A (np)SS (p)0.01NT
252K (b)KM (np)+0.00NT
257M (np)LL (np)0.06T
313V (np)AA (np)1.00T
314A (np)SS (p)0.04NT
316V (np)VL (np)0.10T
349V (np)II (np)0.02NT
351T (p)SS (p)0.00NT
352A (np)SS (p)0.00NT
353V (np)VI (np)#0.05T
359R (b)AK (b)0.01NT

ns SNP: non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms; sSNP: synonymous SNP. AAS: amino acids substitution; p, np and b: polar, non-polar and basic amino acid. #Score range was established among bovine and Leishmania sequences. T: tolerant; NT: non-tolerant. +This amino acid residue is only present in L. (V.) guyanensis. #This amino acid residue is not present on both, T. brucei or T. evansi. The algorithm Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant (SIFT) was used as described in Material ad Methods. The indicate value are related with the tolerance (T) and non-tolerance (NT) of the amino acids substitutions, according to SIFT scores: non-tolerant (0.00–0.05), putatively intolerant (0.0510.10), borderline (0.1010.20), or tolerant (0.2011.00) (25, 26, 39). Amino acid categories: nonpolar (np), polar (p) and basic (b).