Research Article

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapies and Gut Function in a Colitis Mouse Model

Figure 4

Mucosal tissue Isc measurements in ex vivo experiments. Tissue segments were mounted in the Ussing chamber, with Isc measured. (a) Isc levels following 2-week treatment or no treatment (noninfected controls); (b) Isc levels following 4-week treatment (or 3-week treatment for the HC group) or no treatment. In comparison with the noninfected controls, H. trogontum induced a significant increase in Isc in the infected controls (weeks 2 and 4: for both comparisons). However, no change in Isc was observed in the infected but (EEN, MNZ and EEN + MNZ) treated mice (weeks 2 and 4: versus noninfected controls for all comparisons). The group of mice treated with HC for either 2 or 3 weeks had reduced Isc levels compared to the infected controls (week 2: ; week 3: ) but were elevated compared to the noninfected control mice (weeks 2 and 3 for both comparisons). Bars indicate mean. NS: not significant; . Isc: short-circuit current; HC: hydrocortisone; EEN: exclusive enteral nutrition; MNZ: metronidazole.